atarashii keitai denwa ga hoshii desu.

tetome hoshii desu.
demo, okane ga arimasen.
before dat, sumimasen...
sorry to everyone who tried to call me. they act did call me successfully,
but will nver hear my voice.heh,
it was my fault?
for not having new phone?
but i'd like to wait dis 5 years old phone died completely.
now, it has 80 percent defects n insane.
sometimes, it silent for 24 hours.
d bad thing is everytime der's a calling, i just able to reject.coz i noe if i pick it up, he/ she who've waited my sweet voice would hear nothing. n frustrated. heh, they might say oh, i miss to hear u , linda! hoho..
wat it able to do now is juz giving messaging service.
oh, it's enuf for me. i pon bkan kaki gayut. but trouble comes when my dad or mom, hehehe...
 is really trying to reach me. sulit disitu. pity. n bad, coz it may cause worriness to them. hmmm, then, abis kne bebel sbb x beli phone baru.
i will not buy any new as long as i didn't hv enuf money to buy my dream phone.
its been 5 years i used dis phone n waited to hv new n more sophisticated one. could u imagine how i feel?
x ke mcm i plg sbar dlam dunia ni skrg? yup, i plg sbar. jgn hrap la peers nk pkai cikai camni kan.

and let me go through all dis suffering waiting for d new one, in other words, waiting is sacrifice, for now.
wat a surprise is i tgh kmpul duit. srious n honestly, i nver done dis bfore. my expertise is asking for money more n hbis beras je taw. so, dis is anor sacrifice; simpan few cents a day. tipulah, xda la sen, ringgit lah. kalo x, bile nk kaya.

so, juz text me, nvr try to call. i noe u miss my voice. auw!


act, jiwang itu saya.

doesn't mean i'm in love.

see! dis is my first time bought a novel. sounds like it's a fraud but i'm saying d true lah. back then, i was never excited even to go through some pages of any novel but now it's d time. it's been many ocassions before i went wandering and window shopping around mph, popular n and more than had a glance on them.

back then i said to myself i' ll start to read a novel when i'm in love. but, now, xdak lagi pon. sounds pathetic, erk? no lah.

now, ape cer? again, wo pu qie dao. (pronounce 'wo pu ce thaw', x taw btul ke x spelling tu.) = i dont noe. nver noe. maybe dis whole sem is the most bad time i've been through. every single thing and every second is a stress. n d only solution to me is alone! yeah. i feel gud for it. it's d best way but impliedly may reveal all d concealment i've created. hmmm. pnuh misteri. of coz la. shhuhh kalo x nk lyan. to me, d roots of d problem comes from my surrounding. act, its one of d reason y i love so much lari blik umah every week. ( not only bcoz of raja lawak n t.v kt umah).

x ckup lg, its all comes from study probs too. it's been years i realized d fact dat i didnt noe study smart. cam org len, dat will give effect on d title of dat particular person. cth, 'die bdak smart' or dlm bhasa melayunya, die pandai. helo! so, i may be included into 'die bdak hard'. hahahaha. laugh skit. sbb sound sgt difficult. of coz la. bcoz i x taw how to study smart. many ways i've tried to but d result is always d same. so, amacam?
SUSAH.  dat's d only right word.

looks like i dh lri topik. back to novel story, haaa! bru ingt. act, dis is second novel i bought. d first one is zharif's. hmmm, y i bought his novel on dat time? bcoz i was very shocked wif d fact dat a boy is a novel writer @ novelis. a bit malu pun ade. yelah, a gurl like me satu novel pun x pnah bce. so ,dat's y i decided to try his. but, i failed to finish it. wat a bad n sad confession! sbb novel means thick story. heh,..
i juz interested in cerpen. hmmm, dat's can prove me a bit jiwang la. ok.? diam! jgn komen on dat.

but, finally td i went to mph and all of sudden x brhajat pon nk pick n pay for any novel; subsequently i bought one! n there it is= entitled matahariku, written by aina emir. aina emir? sye kenal die by stu drama on tv2 dat act was adapted by her novel. x taw nme novel tpi tajuk drama tu was 'kau laksana bulan'. hmm, got ayu raudhah n ish, x ingt plak nme laki tu. i like dat guy coz he got his own style as an actor.n kalo die brlakon romantik la.hoho.

so, on wat ground i bought dis novel? not based on love but based on my new mission n vision dat comes from novel. secret!

so, ble mase nk bace ni.ade masa ke? ntah, plastik novel ni pon x cbut lg. sounds cam batak gle xpnah beli novel.xpe, mungkin bleh bce dlam bus every time blik pilah. xda la tdo je dlam bus or tnjuk2 nota law kt public. buuuu!
wah, b4 dis stare je gurl yg bce novel n monolog sorg2 'ape yg best sgt cter tu?' now, i got one. d things is i juz need one experience finishing a novel.


incapable of noe or did not noe

i am not insane
neither morally nor legally
but extremely i don't noe wat happen to me.
stress, dat's d best word.
on wat ground?
only i may determine it
wat bout d issue?
too many issue,
but juz on d same ground.
same subject, object, material reason
oh noo..
maybe i was intoxicated?
back to mood merong murung..
